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Rescue Inc Collection Vol 2 Page 2
Rescue Inc Collection Vol 2 Read online
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He pulled a card from his wallet and left it on the side table for Silas. Maybe he would use it, maybe he wouldn't, but for now, there was nothing Chester could do but wait… again.
Silas held Troy as he cried quietly. He always did this after a nightmare. Silas hoped this time he would tell him about it, but Troy never spoke about his nightmares. Even the therapist Silas had taken him to wasn’t able to get him to open up. Troy remained silent.
How could he help his son? How could he help his son beat his demons? He felt so useless, a stupid lump of flesh that couldn't even protect his own child.
"Stop, Pops."
Sighing, Silas murmured, "Tell me, Troy, please."
"Why? It wouldn't make any difference."
"How do you know? Please try, for me."
"Pops," Troy whispered. "I don't know what to do."
"Then tell me, Troy. Let me take this from you."
Troy pulled back and blinked his eyes, tears spilling over the edges. His face blotchy from crying, he looked at Silas. "Will you still love me?" he whispered. "When I tell you what happened, will you still love me?"
Silas gripped the back of his head and pulled him close so they could look into each other's eyes. "You are my son. Nothing you say will change that. I love you, Troy."
Troy's eyes flickered between his and then he closed them. "I killed him."
Silas reared back, his mouth dropping open. "What?"
"She made me, Pops. She was tearing him apart, stripping..." Troy cried out, dropping his head onto Silas’s chest. He gripped Silas’s t-shirt in his hands. "She was stripping the... the... he screamed so much, he..."
Silas held him in a tight embrace, grieving what his son had endured and hating his ex-wife. "Shh. Stop, Troy."
"But Pops-"
"Where is he?"
Troy leaned back and continued crying. "Over by the barn."
They did more than hunt. Silas swallowed. God, so close. "Are there others?" Troy cried harder, and Silas closed his eyes. "I'll call the guys in."
"Will I go to prison, Pops?"
"No," Silas spoke firmly. "No one is taking you away from me."
"I need to make some calls. Stay here, and I'll make you some hot chocolate."
"Let me deal with this. I know what to do, okay?"
Troy nodded, and Silas helped him get back into bed and pulled the covers over him. "I'll just be a few minutes. I love you." He stroked his hand over Troy's head then left the room, pulling the door behind him, but leaving it open slightly so he could keep an ear out for Troy.
He walked downstairs and into the kitchen and collapsed to the floor, biting his fist to stop the pain inside of him from escaping.
Oh god, his son, his boy. If she weren't already dead, he'd kill her himself.
After a few minutes, Silas slowly stood and reached for his cell, dialing a number he knew well.
"Robert, it's Silas."
"Hey, boss. Thought it was your day off?"
"I need you to get the team out here. There's a dead body by the barn."
"What the... Silas?"
"Tina," was all he said. They all knew what she'd done.
"Oh shit, Silas. How's Troy?"
Silas swallowed, the compassion and concern in Robert's voice touching him. "Not good."
"I'll get everyone together and we'll come straight over. Don't worry, Silas. We got you."
Chester had driven no more than a mile when he was overcome by a wave of deep emotional pain. Not his, but Silas'. He pulled over, forcing air into his lungs, rubbing at the pain in his chest. What the fuck had happened?
He turned and drove back the way he came, back to his mate. He needed to be there with him and help him face whatever had happened. Shit, he hoped it wasn't Troy. He might not have children of his own, but he could feel the love Silas had for his son. It was so strong, so powerful.
He pulled into the driveway and stopped in front of the house. Getting out of his car, he ran up the steps and into the house. When he reached the kitchen, he paused, seeing the look of utter devastation on Silas' face.
"Silas," he muttered, walking closer. "What's happened? Is Troy okay?"
Silas stared at him, his eyes blank. "She made him... She made him..."
Silas' head dropped, and Chester didn't hesitate. He pulled him close, holding him tight. "Whatever it is, I'm here for you. For both of you."
Silas gripped his jacket and Chester held him tighter. Silas' emotions were chaotic. Anger, pain, devastation. So many emotions were flying through him, he wasn't sure he knew what he was feeling.
He heard a sound behind him and turned, fangs dropping. No one was going to see his mate like this. He stood in front of Silas, blocking him from the officer's view. Officer Robert Weston. He remembered him now; they'd met a number of times.
He watched him swallow. "Silas called us in. We need to speak to him, Chester."
"What's happened?" Chester demanded, the words harsh due to his fangs.
"It's okay, Chester. I called them." To Robert, Silas said, "I don't know how many there are, Robert, but Troy said the body is by the barn."
"Shit, Silas. Did she make him?"
Silas nodded. "I know you're going to have to take him in."
"Silas, he was twelve when it happened."
"They'll still need to question him and... fuck, Robert."
"I'll get the vampire council involved, Silas. It was a vampire who committed this crime, and it is a crime to involve a child. Do what the human laws tell you to, but I'll make sure the council is aware. Troy won't be left undefended."
Silas grimaced and then nodded. "I'll show Robert where Troy said he was buried."
Silas and Robert left the kitchen, leaving Chester on his own. When he heard the floorboards above him creak, he glanced up, staring at the ceiling. Taking a chance, he went upstairs and knocked on the partially opened door. Pushing it open, he saw Troy sitting on his bed, his head in his hands.
"Hey, Troy, it's Chester."
"Can they help me?"
Chester furrowed his brow then lifted them. "You mean the council? Yes, they can."
"I didn't want to..."
"You were innocent, and we are taught not to harm humans. We're stronger, faster, and sometimes, we can hurt humans without realizing it. Your mother would have known this."
"She's not my mom," Troy spat out.
Chester nodded slowly. "Okay, Troy."
"Am I gonna go to prison? I mean, will they charge me with murder?"
"Did you willingly kill anyone?" Chester didn't know all the details, Silas hadn't told him, but one thing he knew for sure, no matter what had happened, Troy wouldn't be left to face this alone. Fortunately, he knew just the person who could help.
Pulling out his cell, he called Jared.
"Hey, C. Another mission?"
"No. Look, Jared, I need to speak to Sacha. Is he there?"
"Is everything alright?" Jared asked, the concern evident in his voice.
"Yeah, I just need to talk to him."
"Okay, he's here now." There was a brief silence, then Sacha spoke. "Chester, are you okay?"
"Does your father still talk to the council?"
"Our council? Yes, he does. Why?"
"I need their help. Can you get your father to speak to them for me?"
"Of course, I can, but I need to know why?"
Sighing, Chester shared what he knew, which admittedly, wasn't much. He stopped talking when Troy stood and held his hand out for the cell. Explaining to Sacha what was happening, he handed the phone to Troy then sat back in shock as Troy told him everything he'd suffered.
He spoke quietly, and even though Troy wasn't his son, Chester's heart ached for him. To have endured so much, seen so much horror at such a young age and then to be forced to kill your own parent to save your own life. Chester shook his head. He couldn’t understand her, couldn’t understand why she would do that to h
er own child. Maybe he never would.
When Troy finished talking, he handed the cell back to Chester and sat on his bed staring out of the window.
"Hey, you still there, Sacha?"
He heard a throat clear then Sacha spoke. "That poor boy… I'll call my father straight away and get back to you as soon as I can."
"Thanks, Sacha."
He hung up and sat next to Troy on the bed. From where they were sat, they could see the cordoned off the barn, and more officers arriving.
"Will they take me away?" Troy asked, his eyes never leaving the scene outside.
"They will probably have to take you away for questioning, but don't answer until you have a lawyer present. You need a vamp lawyer too."
"Why? What does it matter now? I killed him."
"You were a child, Troy, and from what I heard you tell Sacha, you ended his suffering. She would have done far worse to him if you hadn't stepped in."
"I didn't know what to do. I was so scared."
They sat in silence watching the men work outside when Troy said, "That was when she tried to kill me."
"Because you killed the human."
"Yeah. Said I'd betrayed her."
Chester shook his head. "I don't-"
Troy grabbed his arm. "I don't want to be a vampire. Can you make it go away?"
Chester looked into Troy's watery eyes and slowly shook his head. "It's who you are. Don't let her take away how special you are. We aren't all like that."
"I don't want it." Troy pushed away from Chester and paced in front of him. "I don't want it."
"Troy," Silas said as he entered the room.
"What good is it having him as a mate when he can't help me!" Troy shouted, pointing at Chester.
"What?" Silas glanced between them, a frown marring his features.
"He doesn't want to be a vampire," Chester told him.
"Troy, we've talked about this."
"No, Pops. I'm gonna go to prison because of her."
"Look, we do need to go to the office. Robert's going to ask you some questions-"
"Wait. I have a vamp lawyer coming. He needs to be represented by both a human and vampire lawyer." Chester stood in front of Silas. "I know you don't want this," he muttered, "but let me help you."
"Because you're mine and so is Troy. Mine to protect."
Chapter Three
Silas paced his office, watching the clock. Every second felt like an entire day. Troy had been in the interrogation room for hours, but he wasn't alone, and he had Chester to thank for that. The vampire hadn't left his side at all, providing him with the quiet support that Silas had desperately needed.
His son was in there, being questioned, revealing the truth about his life with Tina, and Silas hated every second of it. How did he miss the signs? Why hadn't he seen what his wife was doing to their son? How had he been so blind? God, he was-
"No, you're not," Chester said.
Silas closed his eyes when he heard Chester's words. Fucking blood exchange. He opened his eyes and looked over at Chester, shaking his head. "Stop it." He didn't want Chester using their connection.
Chester walked over to him and kissed him. "No."
Silas took a step back, wiping his lip. "Why?"
"You needed it, and you're my mate. I'm not going to stop when you need me, even if you think you don't."
Silas opened his mouth to reply when the door opened, and Troy walked in. "Troy." He looked like shit. Pale skin, red-rimmed eyes, and Silas walked over to him, pulling him close. He felt his arms come around his waist and hold him tight. Troy's body shuddered in his arms and Silas held him tighter, trying to give him the strength that Troy needed.
He looked at the man—no, vampire—who came in behind Troy and closed the door. "He'll be fine," he told them, putting his briefcase on the floor.
"You sure?" Silas almost collapsed, and he might have if Chester hadn't stepped behind him, putting his hands on Silas' shoulders.
"Yes. He'll have more questions to answer, but for now, he's free to go."
"And the family of the victim?"
"Will be informed. They might bring a private prosecution, and if that happens, we'll support you, but for now, Troy’s free to go. Take your son home, Sheriff."
"Thank you, Mr...."
"Romeo Bamber, and you're welcome. Don't hesitate to call me if you need me."
"I will."
"Romeo. Great to see you again." Chester shook Romeo's hand. "Thanks for coming out."
"We're always here for you when you need us, Chester. How's the business?"
"Good. We have another team now to help with the workload."
"Walk me out, and we can talk some more." Turning back to Silas, Romeo said, "It was nice to meet you and your son, Sheriff. I wish it were under better circumstances, but please call me if you have any questions. I'm always available."
Chester touched Silas' cheek, causing his eyes to widen. He watched them leave the room, and when the door was closed, he pulled Troy back and looked at him. Pale, blotchy skin, no doubt from crying, Troy stared back and gave him a weak, wobbly smile.
"How do you feel?" he asked.
"Actually, I feel better, Pops. Like I'm not carrying everything."
"I wish you'd told me sooner."
"I know, but I was scared, Pops." He glanced over at the closed door. "He likes you."
Silas sighed. "We're mates. Apparently, that's how it works."
"Does it feel different from with her?"
Her. Tina. His mother.
"Yes. I loved your mother, well, before, but I can feel Chester, like he’s a part of me." He shook his head. "I don't know how to explain it, Troy."
"Don't, you know, not try because of me."
"What? Are you telling me to give Chester a chance?" Silas smiled, watching the blush on Troy's skin.
Troy shrugged and mumbled into Silas' chest.
"Come on, let's go home."
"Look, Pops. Could I go to prison? I'm eighteen now."
"You were twelve when it happened, and there are mitigating circumstances. That Romeo guy seems to think everything's okay now and if not, they'll be there to help us."
"Some way to start a new… whatever it is you two have."
Silas chuckled. "Yeah, whatever it is. So, burger and a beer?"
"One, Troy. I think we deserve it, don't you?"
Troy smiled. "Just one."
Chester watched as Silas and Troy left the Sheriff's office and smiled, seeing how close they were.
"He's your mate," Romeo said.
Chester's smile widened. "Yeah, he is."
"Kid’s strong like his dad. He'll need to be to overcome what the mother put him though."
"That bad."
Romeo sighed. "Unfortunately, I've heard worse. Doesn't matter what species you are, we're all capable of horrendous acts." Romeo tapped the roof of his car. "Anyway, I've got a vamp counselor coming over to see him."
Chester watched Silas drive away. "Is there anything I can do?"
"You've not got it easy, Chester. Troy's been damaged. He hates who and what he is. I imagine the dad will have issues too."
"Yeah, he has, and you’re right about Troy. He doesn’t want to be a vampire."
"I'm not surprised, poor kid." Romeo opened his car door and said, "My advice would be to take it slow. Be there, offer support, but don't push it. Let him come to you, and in time, he will."
Chester snorted. "Not likely."
"He will."
"Romeo by name." Smirking, Chester added, "Romeo-"
"Fucking Shakespeare." Romeo slapped Chester's back. "Later."
Chester got into his own car and drove over to Silas'. He saw the area around the barn cordoned off and sighed, remembering what Troy had said happened there. He left his car and knocked on the door before walking in, finding Silas and Troy sitting in the living room drinking a beer. Neither said a word when he sat on the
sofa with them, and Chester took that as a plus.
"Beer's in the refrigerator."
Chester nodded, got up and grabbed three bottles then handed one to Silas and Troy. Silas immediately took the bottle from Troy.
"One only. You're not legal yet."
"Shit, come on, Pops!"
"Nope." Silas drank his own, ignoring Troy's glare.
"Shit's not fair." Troy sulked, arms crossed over his chest, bottom lip stuck out.
Chester sat back in his seat and closed his eyes, letting the day wash away. What a day. He'd never expected this to happen. Silas had a son, and he was a vampire. Slowly shaking his head, he opened his eyes and glanced over at father and son.
Both had dark hair, but where Silas had green eyes, Troy's were blue. A clear blue, like some Mediterranean ocean where you can see the sand through the water. Both pale skin, a contrast to his own much darker complexion.
Broad across the shoulders and a slim waist that tapered down to narrow hips, Silas was everything he looked for in a male. Tall too with big hands. Oh yeah, Chester had noticed the hands.
"I'm going to bed, Pops."
Troy stood and stretched, and Silas stood next to him. "You'll be okay?"
Troy hugged Silas quickly. "I'll be fine, Pops. I know where you are."
"And you will come." Silas gripped Troy's shoulder, looking him straight in the eye.
Nodding, Troy whispered, "I will."
Once Troy left the room and Silas had sat back down, silence descended. Chester and Silas stared at each other. Chester coughed and fidgeted in his seat, making Silas smile.
"Stop enjoying it," Chester muttered.
"The big, hard man, nervous to be alone with me." Silas chuckled, peeling the label from his bottle.
Chester stood. Fuck Romeo's advice about waiting. He strode over to Silas, who looked up at him, eyes widening with every step he took. When he reached him, he straddled his legs and leaned down until there was only an inch between their lips.
"I'm not nervous, Silas."
He closed the distance and slid his lips over Silas'. He pulled back, watching the pleasure on Silas’ face, and grinned before leaning down to kiss him again. Silas' lips opened and their tongues touched, making Chester moan as they tangled together.